Turlock City News

Turlock City News

Turlock High Grad’s Star Wars Themed Christmas Light Show Goes Viral

Tom BetGeorge, a graduate of Turlock High School, is becoming a household name thanks to a video of his Star Wars themed Christmas light show (shown below) that is rapidly spreading around the Internet.

As of Friday afternoon, BetGeorge’s five minute show, which shows an impressive light show of around 100,000 lights synchronized with tracks from Star Wars, has been seen by more than 2.2 million people since it was posted on Monday.

Along with 100,000 lights, BetGeorge built the massive guitar and keyboard, which are 17 feet and 19 feet in length, respectively.

BetGeorge, who is a music teacher/director, even created the instruments to play real notes.

The light show can be seen at BetGeorge’s Newark home, where he currently resides.

Despite the insanely bright show, BetGeorge says on YouTube his neighbors are very supportive of the show.

“The neighbors are very supportive especially since I use the display to raise money for the poor and homeless through my church,” BetGeorge wrote on YouTube.

There is even a PayPal link where viewers can donate to BetGeorge’s church’s free dining program.

The now viral light show has been been featured on TIME, Huffington Post, and CNN, among others.

BetGeorge’s Star Wars themed light show can be seen below.

Video Courtesy of Tom BetGeorge 

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