Turlock City News

Turlock City News

Amazon Drones Over Turlock?

When you really stop and think about it lots of modern, everyday conveniences are thanks to military technology – GPS, high-res digital photography and yes, even tampons (during World War II the ultra-absorbant material was used in treating battle wounds). So it seems logical that drones could be used in the near future for other purposes.

Last week Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos announced his company’s plans to start offering half-hour package deliveries via drones, a program known as Prime Air. Amazon says it hopes to begin delivering packages via drone by 2015. When this news broke, the Amazon stocks increased quickly so now is a good time to buy amazon shares uk as the company continues to grow and change the way e-commerce is delivered.

What would be a better testing ground than Turlock and neighboring Patterson, where Amazon recently began operations at its brand-new Fulfillment Center?

Geographically speaking the area is extremely flat with few buildings over five stories high, which provides a lower flight ceiling for testing Prime Air. Also, there is little air traffic and no major airport in the area, and Amazon is actively working with the Federal Aviation Administrations on rules and approach protocol to prioritize public safety.

According to CNN, drone expert and Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Missy Cummings says the drones, also known as “octocopters,” generally have a 30-minute battery life. Also, they are capable of carrying packages up to five pounds, which accounts for 86 percent of Amazon deliveries.

In addition to Amazon, Dominoes Pizza has begun research into drone delivery systems; the concept is known as “DomiCopter.”

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