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Turlock City News

Olsen Introduces Bill to Encourage High School Computer Science Courses


Last week, Assemblymembers Kristin Olsen (R-Modesto) and Joan Buchanan (D-Alamo) introduced a bill that would encourage school districts to expand computer science courses in high schools.

AB 1764 would give students the opportunity to earn credit for one mathematic course if they successfully complete one course in computer science. The computer science courses must be approved by the University of California and/or the California State University as fulfilling the “C” requirement. This credit would be offered in districts requiring more than two mathematics courses for graduation.

“It is time California schools teach students how to create technology, not just use it. This bill is an important first step towards that end,” Buchanan said. “Highlighting the interconnections between computer science and mathematics will make computer science more accessible and ensure that more students are given the tools they need to pursue the college and career pathways in this critical field.”

Computer science drives innovation and economic growth in California and across the country. More than half of all jobs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields in the United States will require highly technical computer knowledge and experience by 2020. Researching on how to start a career in it with no experience, is the first step to take for those who have an interest but haven’t been able to get themselves a qualification before embarking on a career change into IT.

“Computer science skills prepare students for careers in a variety of sectors beyond information technology, such as manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture and defense,” Olsen said. “Anything we can do to encourage students to take courses in computer science will strengthen our economy and better prepare our children for almost any career path they choose.”

California schools are falling behind other states in both its use of technology in the classroom and the courses offered, while computing jobs are growing at 4.3 times the state average. According to the Conference Board and the National Science Foundation, as of December 2013 there are 77,309 open computing jobs in California but only 4,324 computer science graduates. In states where computer science counts as an academic class, 50 percent more students enroll than in states where it is treated as an elective. The incentive of a college-level qualification such as that offered by the AP Computer Science should be more than enough to encourage students to take part, even if they may be wondering is ap computer science hard.

“By allowing computer science courses to count towards high school graduation requirements, this important legislation would help our students gain the skills they need to thrive in the jobs of today and tomorrow,” said Microsoft Vice President for U.S. Government Affairs Fred Humphries. “We applaud Assemblymembers Olsen and Buchanan for their leadership on increasing access to computer science education, which is critical to sustaining American innovation and our economy.”

AB 1764 will be heard in the Assembly Committee on Education this spring.

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