Turlock City News

Turlock City News

CSU Stanislaus Makes Princeton Review’s Best 378 List


For the eighth consecutive year California State University Stanislaus has been recognized as one of the top institutions of higher learning in the nation by Princeton Review’s “The Best 378 Colleges: 2014 Edition.”

“I am very proud to once again see CSU Stanislaus praised for its high-quality academics, as well as its commitment to student success and student life,” CSU Stanislaus President Joseph F. Sheley said. “Our graduates are an invaluable resource to our region, and we will continue to do everything we can to give them the well-rounded experience they need and deserve while they are here.”

Colleges and universities are selected for the guide based on categories ranging from academics and admissions selectivity to financial aid and fire safety. Each university profiled in the book also includes comments gathered from a Princeton Review survey of 126,000 students from the 378 schools in the book.

“Stanislaus 'provides affordable education' that focuses on helping students prepare for their careers with a 'professional, yet laid-back demeanor,'” the Princeton Review says, quoting from surveys. “This is 'a great environment to be a part of,' and the school 'wants you to succeed, and they give you the info you need to succeed.'”

This year CSU Stanislaus was praised by students for affordable education, smaller class sizes, the beautiful scenery on campus and a bountiful selection of student clubs and organizations.

Not all is rosy, though: professors get “mixed but mostly positive reviews,” and the registration process “could use some rejiggering.” And, students note “there are too many geese on the grounds.”

Turlock also earned a mixed review, with the top feature being “easy access to the freeway.”

CSU Stanislaus was recognized for its alcohol-free lifestyle; the university ranked No. 18 among all schools in low-levels of beer drinking, and No. 19 among all schools in low usage of hard liquor. Both categories are otherwise dominated largely by religious and military schools.

The university also holds the dubious distinction of a No. 18 ranking on the “Least Accessible Professors” list.

The book goes on sale tomorrow, but the rankings are available now at www.princetonreview.com. CSU Stanislaus's profile can be viewed at http://www.princetonreview.com/schools/college/CollegeBasics.aspx?iid=1023353.

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