The American Field Service (AFS) Intercultural Programs is looking for Turlock families who will host AFS Exchange Students arriving this September.
These high school students are eager to attend local high schools, live with a host family and discover America for themselves — but to do so, they need need supportive families to host them for 6-12 weeks, a semester or the year.
The host family is expected to provide a bed and meals for students, as well as share their daily lives and help guide and support the students as they would their own children. Families will receive ongoing support from AFS Staff and local volunteers who are experienced in hosting.
In connecting with an intercultural student, host families work to help build bridges of intercultural understanding.
“For us, one word sums up the hosting experience: love. The bonds are intense, forged by shared struggles and a lot of laughter,” said Kathleen Menke, a California host mom. “To future AFS families we would say: ‘Do it.’ Open your hearts and minds and prepare to be stretched, and then get ready to realize how much richer your world has become because of your new son or daughter.”
For more information, call 800-AFS-INFO ext. 3333, email, or visit AFS-USA on the web at