Turlock City News

Turlock City News

Annual Burger-Eating Contest Takes Bear-Sized Appetite

Three pounds of meat sit between competitors and glory at Grizzly Rock Café's fourth annual hamburger-eating contest, scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Friday.

In order to win this contest qualifiers will need one bear of an appetite, something they had to prove just to enter this test of beef consumerism. Just to participate, entrants must have previously consumed a two-pound burger affectionately known as the “Bronto-burger.”

But to prove their true love of beef, contestants on Friday will have to eat a massive burger that needs no name – because it is simply known as a three-pound behemoth – that seemingly only a starving bear could eat.

Stacked in three, one-pound patties, this burger requires a carnivorous passion for meat. It can be prepared to the contestant’s wishes – with cheese and all the fixings or without.

Grizzly Rock Café owner Frank Sanders reports that Turlock native Obie Sargony is the three-time running champion of the contest. Several years ago he wolfed down the three-pound burger in just six minutes and 15 seconds. Last year he ate it in eight-and-a-half minutes.

The most common strategy for consuming the tower of beef and bread isn't complicated, Sanders said.

“Most people just kind of chomp on it like they are eating a cow,” he said. “It’s a lot of fun to watch.”

The person who can eat the burger in the fastest time is awarded $500 and has his or her name placed on a perpetual trophy located at the café.

For runner-ups in this contest there is no prize. The biggest appetite takes all.

“We don’t do second place prizes, if you get second place you get the satisfaction of a belly full of a three-pound hamburger. Most people just try to prove they can eat the whole thing,” chuckled Sanders.

For more information, call Grizzly Rock Café at (209) 250-0086.

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