Turlock City News

Turlock City News

Around Turlock – February 2


While most people around Turlock do not use the local or regional bus system for transportion, our city does have a regional bus hub. The Turlock Regional Transit Center is located on the triangle property at Golden State Blvd., Hawkeye Ave., and Dels Ln.

The City of Turlock secured $1,450,800 dollars in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funding and $362,700 in Proposition 1B transit funding to complete the project without the use of any General Fund monies.

The City of Turlock held a grand opening for Turlock Regional Transit Center on August 24, 2012.

Send your pictures taken around Turlock to be published on TurlockCityNews.com to turlock@turlockcitynews.com.

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