Turlock City News

Turlock City News

Around Turlock – March 18

Kailey Fisicaro/TurlockCityNews.com|

With the trend of e-cigarettes on the rise, some businesses are extending their smoking bans past traditional cigarettes to electronic ones, as this sign shows at In-N-Out on Countryside Drive.

According to the Food and Drug Administration’s website, electronic cigarettes are made to deliver nicotine or other substances to the user in the form of a vapor. Most use a “rechargeable, battery-operated heating element, a replaceable cartridge that may contain nicotine or other chemicals, and an atomizer that, when heated, converts the contents of the cartridge into a vapor.” The vapor can then be inhaled by the user.

As of now, e-cigarettes are not banned as part of California’s workplace smoking laws, because the FDA has not yet evaluated any e-cigarettes for safety or effectiveness. However, according to fda.gov, “The agency intends to regulate electronic cigarettes and related products in a manner consistent with its mission of protecting the public health.”

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