At the January 11, 20011 Turlock City Council Meeting, Council will be making decisions on many financial and economic issues including accepting the Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) Annual Report for 2010 and approving the 2011 Budget given to the Turlock Chamber of Commerce for $98,000 in administrative fees, $28,000 for communications and advertising, $32,000 for marketing, and $31,500 for community support (with a total of $211,445, an increase of $19,505 or 10% increase). This issue was brought up during the budget subcommittee meetings last year proposing the City Recreation Division should receive some portion of the General Fund revenues as they handle some of the duties but are not getting reimbursed for it, and that the revenue stay in house for additional Recreation funding. The item was removed from a Council agenda and has not surfaced until now.
The tough economy and questioning of how business is done here in Turlock has driven a staff request to the Council for providing direction on whether or not to investigate one or more alternative regulatory approaches that would allow “Discount Superstores” in the City of Turlock. The City of Turlock spent around $400,000 fighting Wal-Mart in court to uphold the ban of discount superstores.
The Turlock Planning Commission has held a public hearing on the matter, held a public meeting where they voted 5-2 to not revisit or even study the impacts of overturning the current ban on discount superstores in the City of Turlock, and was set to hear an application by the Target Corporation to allow for an exception to the Big Box ordinance as the Turlock store wanted to expand its grocery section past the allotted amount according to City law but the application was withdrawn.
City Staff is also requesting Council’s approval for contract services of the Planning Division of the Development Services Department to update and revise the Downtown Plan in an amount not to exceed $70,000 while they study the potential for increased housing, entertainment, business guidelines, and to make sure the Downtown Plan is in line with the General Plan Update being worked on currently. The Downtown Master Plan was completed in 1998.
The Turlock City Council will also meet as the Redevelopment Agency and Public Financing Authority Board as they consider making a finding of significant public benefit and other findings in connection with the issuance and sale by the Turlock Public Financing Authority of its Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds, Series 201. If the findings are made, a request authorizing the execution and delivery of certain documents in connection with the issuance, sale and delivery of the Authority’s Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds will be considered.
At Tuesday’s, November 9, 2010 Turlock City Council Meeting, financing issues with higher than expected bids and unsettled agreements with other tax sharing agencies that may be impacted by the issuance of bonds made funding the project even more difficult and ultimately stalled out the project.
Council has approved a funding mechanism that includes $13 million in new Redevelopment Agency (RDA) bonds, $3.2 million of current RDA funds, $4 million of Capital Facility Fees, $1.35 million in Prop. 1B funds, and an expected $2.5 million from the sale of the existing police station on Palm Street, off Canal Dr.
The total bids came in at $23.9 million, and with all the costs on that, brings the project cost to about $27 million. The City’s funding plan had earmarked about $24 million for the new Public Safety Facility project.
Tuesday’s, January 11, 2011 Turlock City Council Meeting will present the City Staff’s financing details.
View the complete agenda for the Turlock City Council Meeting to be held on January 11, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall.
People may also watch the Council video live on Charter channel 2 or from this link:
Internet live broadcast
View the complete Turlock City Council Agenda Packet in pdf form here:
Text Version:
Turlock City Council Agenda
January 11, 2011
7:00 p.m.
City of Turlock Yosemite Room
156 S. Broadway, Turlock, California
A. Proclamation: Retirement of Roger Fall, Traffic/Transportation Engineering Supervisor
B. Proclamation: Retirement of Norma Rowell, Senior Secretary
C. Proclamation: Retirement of Tony Lozano, Utilities Maintenance Worker
D. Appointment: Vice Mayor
E. Appointment: Stanislaus County Local Task Force on Solid Waste
F. Appointment: The Alliance
SPEAKER CARDS: To accommodate those wishing to address the Council and allow for staff follow-up, speaker cards are available for any agendized topic or any other topic delivered under Public Comment. Please fill out and provide the Comment Card to the City Clerk or Police Officer.
G. Presentation: 2010 Plant of the Year Award, Mr. Jody Allen, President Elect,
California Water Environment Association (CWEA), Northern San Joaquin Section
H. Presentation: Don Bak, Fly the Flag Committee
• Pamela Contreras, VP External Associated Students, Inc.
1. Holiday Parade Recap (Packwood)
2. Public Safety Facility (Pitcock)
3. Transit Center Status Update (Pitt)
This is the time set aside for members of the public to directly address the City Council on any item of interest to the public, before or during the City Council’s consideration of the item, that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council. You will be allowed three (3) minutes for your comments. If you wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda, you may be asked to defer your remarks until the Council addresses the matter. No action or discussion may be undertaken on any item not appearing on the posted agenda, except that Council may refer the matter to staff or request it be placed on a future agenda.
Information concerning the consent items listed hereinbelow has been forwarded to each Councilmember prior to this meeting for study. Unless the Mayor, a Councilmember or member of the audience has questions concerning the Consent Calendar, the items are approved at one time by the Council. The action taken by the Council in approving the consent items is set forth in the explanation of the individual items.
A. Resolution: Accepting Demands of 12/02/10 in the amount of $1,536,283.97; Demands
of 12/09/10 in the amount of $1,242,525.55
B. Motion: Accepting Minutes of Special Meeting of November 29, 2010; Minutes of
Regular Meeting of December 14, 2010
C. 1. Motion: Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 1 (Final) in the amount
of $4,388 (Fund 141) for City Project No. 10-32, “Donnelly Park Irrigation Well Drilling,”
bringing the contract total to $94,058
2. Motion: Accepting improvements for City Project No. 10-32, “Donnelly Park Irrigation
Well Drilling,” and authorizing the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion
3. Resolution: Appropriating $160,000 from Fund 141 “Water Reserves” into line
number 141/761-07-95 “Retrofit Sprinkler System at Donnelly Park”
D. Motion: Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 2 in the amount of
$37,326.19 (Fund 187) for City Project No. 0782, “Fransil and West Main Intersection
Improvements,” bringing the contract total to $1,194,450.94
E. Motion: Approving Contract Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $85,671.56 (Fund
133) for City Project No. 0869, “Canal Drive Reconstruction and Resurfacing,” bringing
the contract total to $2,156,005.61
F. Resolution: Authorizing the Director of Development Services/City Engineer to sign all
right–of-way certifications, assurances and statements in regard to any and all Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) projects for
the federal fiscal year 2010-2011
G. Resolution: Authorizing the hiring of one (1) part-time employee (16 hours per week) in
a transit management and technical role to support the Transit and Traffic Engineering
program services and appropriating $16,000 to the appropriate salary and benefit
accounts in Fund 140 to be funded from the Transit Fund 140 unencumbered revenue
included in the FY 2010-2011 budget
H. Motion: Rejecting all bids submitted for City Project No. 0804B, “Turlock Public Safety
Facility,” for Categories 2, 7, 8, 10 and 11
I. 1. Motion: Approving a one (1) year extension of the attached Special Services
Contract No. 10-824 for Economic and Planning Systems, Inc. to provide professional
economic and planning services for the Morgan Ranch Master Plan in an amount not to
exceed $30,000
2. Motion: Approving a one (1) year extension of the attached Special Services
Contract No. 10-825 for Omni Means, Inc. to provide professional transportation and
traffic design services for the Morgan Ranch Master Plan in an amount not to exceed
J. Motion: Authorizing the execution of Amendment No. 1 to the agreement with Peninsula
Plastics Recycling, Inc. to extend the term of the agreement to September 30, 2011
K. Motion: Approving a six (6) month extension to the twelve (12) month retainer
agreement in an amount not to exceed $40,000 (Fund 128) with 4 Leaf, Inc. for plan
check services related to various building permit applications throughout the City of
L. Motion: Approving an Exchange Agreement with Kilroy West Main LP and Alta Group
LLC associated with the intersection signalization improvement project located at Kilroy
Road and West Main Street
M. Motion: Approving an amendment to an agreement with the consulting firm, The
Ramsay Group, LLC of Fresno, California, for City Project No. 10-45, “RFP 2010-2014
Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan for 2010-2011,” for additional work as
required by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), in an amount
not to exceed $8,000, from Funds 190/501-02-32 “CDBG Contract Services” and
193/504-02-33 “2010-2014 Consolidated Plan”
N. 1. Motion: Approving a new professional service contract with BFGC-IBI Group
Architecture Planning, in an amount not to exceed $26,343, for the purpose of
completing the space needs assessment for the Turlock’s City Hall and Recreation
Department located on Starr Avenue to update the City’s Capital Facility Fee Program in
conjunction with the General Plan Update
2. Resolution: Appropriating $26,343 to account number 175/778-07-07 “City Hall
Space Needs Analysis” to be funded from Fund 175 “Capital Facilities Fees – General
Administration” reserve balance
O. Motion: Approving the funding to rehabilitate the Neighborhood Stabilization house
located at 2680 Murray Street, Turlock, California, in the amount of $130,000 (Fund
192), as prescribed by the Adopted Rehabilitation Loan Policies and Procedures
P. Motion: Approving the rehabilitation forgivable loan #9578-ES, in the amount of
$10,000, where the City of Turlock will be in third position, as prescribed by the Adopted
Rehabilitation Loan Policies and Procedures
Q. Resolution: Authorizing the Purchasing Officer to dispose of surplus property by any
means determined to be in the best interest of the City
R. Motion: Approving an agreement with Howk Systems for pump repair services for the
City’s well sites for a period of twelve months, in an annual amount not to exceed
$150,000, from Non-General Fund 141/781-07-21 “Well Pump Repairs”
S. Resolution: Appropriating $1,335.65 to 308/497-07-23 “Proposition 40 PC-Other
Projects” to be funded by a transfer from Fund 165 “Park Development Tax-NP 10-20
City Park/School Parks” reserve balance for the completion of the Donnelly Park Arbor
T. Motion: Approving a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Turlock and
the Turlock Unified School District to offer youth basketball programs within the
U. Motion: Accepting the report on the success of the BMX Bike Park as prescribed by City
of Turlock Council Resolution No. 2009-022
V. Resolution: Accepting a donation from the Community Sand Volleyball People for
specialized sand to replace and replenish the existing sand on an as needed basis in the
sand volleyball courts located at the Curt Andre Park
W. Resolution: Accepting donations received during the 1st quarter of FY2010/11, as per
the attached worksheet, for a variety of Parks, Recreation & Public Facility Division
programs, scholarships, and activities to be deposited into Fund 309/308
X. Resolution: Approving the purchase of two (2) replacement marked patrol vehicles for
Turlock Police Department from Downtown Ford Sales of Sacramento, California, from
account number 130/710-10-05 “PD Marked Patrol Cars” in an amount not to exceed
Y. Motion: Approving an agreement between the City of Turlock Police Department and
SunGard Public Sector, Inc., previously known as H.T.E., for the supplement to the
existing Software License and Services agreement for the Field Reporting Server
software, licenses, training, project management and maintenance fees for field
reporting, in an amount not to exceed $100,000
Z. Resolution: Appropriating unspent monies in the amount of $13,028 from FY 2009-10 to
FY 2010-11 to account number 307/484-03-09 “JAG Grant – Safety Equipment” for
safety equipment
AA. Motion: Authorizing City Manager to terminate an agreement dated January 30, 2009
between the City of Turlock Police Department and the National Insurance Crime
Bureau (NICB) for the lease and use agreement of a vehicle assigned to the Turlock
Police Department previously assigned to the Stanislaus County Auto Theft Task Force
AB. Motion: Approving a Professional Services Retainer Agreement for preparation and
filing of 2010-11 Claims for State Mandated Cost Reimbursement with Nimbus
Consulting Group, LLC in an amount not to exceed $9,000
AC. 1. Motion: Authorizing the hiring and replacement of one (1) regular full-time Police
Officer I for the Turlock Police Department to sustain the Council authorized staffing
levels of 81 sworn personnel, as required by the grant agreement with the United States
Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
2. Motion: Authorizing staff to fill future vacancies of police officer positions to maintain
the authorized staffing levels of 81 sworn officers as required by the COPS hiring grant
without requiring prior authorization from Council
A. Recommended Action:
Ordinance: Amending the Zoning Map of the City of Turlock, attached to Title 9 of the
Turlock Municipal Code [Rezone 2010-02, Planned Development 267 (Ten Pin Fun
Center)] as introduced at the December 14, 2010 meeting.
The following items are to be acted on concurrently
Resolution: Establishing Conditions of Approval for Planned Development District No.
267 (PD-267) [Rezone 2010-02 (Ten Pin Fun Center)]; and
Resolution: Establishing Conditions of Approval for Planned Development District No.
267 Sign Program (PD-267 Sign Program) [Rezone 2010-02 (Ten Pin Fun Center Sign
A. Request to amend Turlock Municipal Code Title 6, Chapter 1, Article 7, Sections 1 and
3, regarding the restriction and prohibitions of the retail sale of dogs and cats. (Jackson)
Ordinance: Amending Turlock Municipal Code Title 6, Chapter 1, Article 7, Sections 1
and 3, regarding the restriction and prohibitions of the retail sale of dogs and cats
A. Request to accept the Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) Annual Report for 2010
and approving the 2011 Budget. (McNally-Dial)
Recommended Action:
Motion: Accepting the Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) Annual Report for 2010
and approving the 2011 Budget
B. Request to direct staff regarding Turlock Partnership Incentives and direct staff to bring
back this program for adoption to facilitate a program start date
Recommended Action:
Motion: Providing direction to staff regarding Turlock Partnership Incentives
Motion: Directing staff to bring back Turlock Partnership Incentives program for adoption
in a timely manner so as to facilitate a program start date as soon as possible
C. Request to accept notification of Contract Change Order No. 1 for City Project No. 0704,
“Carnegie Facility Reconstruction,” and approve an Amendment to the agreement with
EMJ Corporation related to time for performance. (Pitcock)
Recommended Action:
Motion: Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $22,162
for City Project No. 0704, “Carnegie Facility Reconstruction”
Motion: Approving Amendment No. 1 to the agreement with EMJ Corporation (City
Contract No. 10-764) to change the time for performance from 365 working days to 365
calendar days
D. Request staff to provide a quarterly update comparing current revenue under the
existing metered billing program to revenue received the prior year same quarter on the
flat rate billing program which will be utilized in the development of a proposed metered
billing rate. (Madden)
Recommended Action:
Motion: Directing Staff to provide Council with a quarterly update comparing current
revenue generated under the existing metered billing program to revenue received for
the same quarter the year prior on the flat rate billing program, including operational
expenses, which will be utilized in conjunction with previous reports in the development
of a proposed metered billing rate
E. Request to authorize the expenditure of $55,000 from account number 129/432-02-88
“NPDES Permit Studies” as the City of Turlock’s share of a pilot test to evaluate the
effectiveness of “Packed Tower” technology in reducing the Trihalomethane (THM)
levels in the Regional Water Quality Control Facility’s (RWQCF) effluent. (Madden)
Recommended Action:
Resolution: Authorizing the expenditure of $55,000 from account number 129/432-02-88
“NPDES Permit Studies” as the City of Turlock’s share of a pilot test to evaluate the
effectiveness of “Packed Tower” technology in reducing the Trihalomethane (THM)
levels in the Regional Water Quality Control Facility’s (RWQCF) effluent
F. Request to authorize the City Manager to sign an agreement with Erler and Kalinowski,
Inc. (EKI), to perform a salinity study at the Regional Water Quality Control Facility.
Recommended Action:
Motion: Authorizing the City Manager to sign an agreement with Erler and Kalinowski,
Inc. (EKI), in the amount of $13,500, from account number 129/432-02-88 “NPDES
Permit Studies,” to perform a salinity study at the Regional Water Quality Control Facility
G. Request to provide direction to staff on whether or not to investigate one or more of the
attached alternative regulatory approaches that would allow “Discount Superstores” in
the City of Turlock. (Whitmore)
Recommended Action:
Motion: Providing direction to staff on whether or not to investigate one or more of the
attached alternative regulatory approaches that would allow “Discount Superstores” in
the City of Turlock
H. Approving Planning Professional Services Contract No. 10-844 and Scope of Services
for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department to update and revise
the Downtown Plan in an amount not to exceed $70,000 from Fund 153/478-06-67
“Downtown Housing Plan”. (Pitcock & Whitmore)
Recommended Action:
Motion: Approving Planning Professional Services Contract No. 10-844 and Scope of
Services for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department to update
and revise the Downtown Plan in an amount not to exceed $70,000 from Fund 153/478-
06-67 “Downtown Housing Plan”
I. Request to make a finding of significant public benefit and other findings in connection
with the issuance and sale by the Turlock Public Financing Authority of its Tax Allocation
Revenue Bonds, Series 2011. (Lorenzi)
Recommended Action:
Resolution: Making a finding of significant public benefit and other findings in connection
with the issuance and sale by the Turlock Public Financing Authority of its Tax Allocation
Revenue Bonds, Series 201
Councilmembers may provide a brief report on notable topics of interest. The Brown Act does not allow discussion or action by the legislative body.
Turlock Public Financing Authority
January 11, 2011
7:00 p.m.
City of Turlock Yosemite Room
156 S. Broadway, Turlock, California
This is the time set aside for members of the public to directly address the Board on any item of interest to the public, before or during the Board’s consideration of the item, that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Public Financing Authority. You will be allowed three (3) minutes for your comments. If you wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda, you may be asked to defer your remarks until the Board addresses the matter. No action or discussion may be undertaken on any item not appearing on the posted agenda, except that Board may refer the matter to staff or request it be placed on a future agenda.
A. Motion: Accepting Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 9, 2010
A. Request to acknowledge a finding of significant benefit and approve as to form and
authorize the execution and delivery of certain documents in connection with the
issuance, sale and delivery of the Authority’s Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds, Series
2011, and authorize certain other matters relating thereto. (Lorenzi)
Recommended Action:
Resolution: Acknowledging a finding of significant benefit and Approving as to form and
Authorizing the execution and delivery of certain documents in connection with the
issuance, sale and delivery of the Authority’s Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds, Series
2011, and Authorizing certain other matters relating thereto
Turlock Redevelopment Agency Special Meeting
January 11, 2011
7:00 p.m.
City of Turlock Yosemite Room
156 S. Broadway, Turlock, California
This is the time set aside for citizens to address the Redevelopment Agency concerning any item that has been described in the notice for the meeting before or during consideration of that item. You will be allowed three (3) minutes for your comments. If you wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda, you may be asked to defer your remarks until the Agency addresses the matter.
A. Motion: Accepting Minutes of November 9, 2010 Special Meeting of the Turlock
Redevelopment Agency
A. Request to approve the attached Planning Professional Services Contract No. 10-844
and Scope of Services for the Planning Division of the Development Services
Department to update and revise the Downtown Plan in an amount not to exceed
$70,000 from Fund 153/478-06-67 “Downtown Housing Plan”. (Whitmore)
Recommended Action:
Motion: Approving the attached Planning Professional Services Contract No. 10-844
and Scope of Services for the Planning Division of the Development Services
Department to update and revise the Downtown Plan in an amount not to exceed
$70,000 from Fund 153/478-06-67 “Downtown Housing Plan”. (Whitmore)
B. Request to approve as to form and authorize the execution and delivery of certain
documents in connection with the sale and issuance by the Turlock Public Financing
Authority of Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds, Series 2011; authorize certain other matters
relating thereto; and make findings in connection with the installation and construction of
certain public improvements. (Lorenzi)
Recommended Action:
Resolution: Approving as to form and authorizing the execution and delivery of certain
documents in connection with the sale and issuance by the Turlock Public Financing
Authority of Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds, Series 2011, and authorizing certain other
matters relating thereto
Resolution: Making findings in connection with the installation and construction of
certain public improvements
The foregoing meeting is hereby called by Chairman John S. Lazar at the
above mentioned date and time pursuant to California Government Code
JOHN S. LAZAR, Chairman