Turlock City News

Turlock City News

CSU Stanislaus Security Report Shows Sharp Increases in Forcible Sex Offenses, Liquor Law Violations

Sabrina Rodriguez/TurlockCityNews.com

California State University, Stanislaus has released its annual Campus Security Report that includes data showing sharp increases in reports of forcible sexual offenses and liquor law violations.

The Federal requirements are changing in the way that universities are addressing sexual violence. More groups and resources are being directed toward anti-violence education, and reporting requirements have also seen change.

“The campus community has worked hard to create a culture that empowers people to be safe and encourages victims to come forward,” said Andy Roy, CSU Stanislaus Chief of Police.

The 2014 crime report revealed that 7 forcible sex offenses were reported, all of which occurred in the dorms on the Turlock campus. There were also reports of 4 burglaries and 1 motor vehicle theft.

In 2013, crime data shows reports of 2 forcible sex offenses, 2 robberies, 3 burglaries, 4 motor vehicle thefts, 1 domestic violence, 1 dating violence, and 1 stalking case.

The information and training of CSU Stanislaus aims to reduce the occurrence of crime, and at the same time, it encourages people to report crimes when they occur.

“Stanislaus State, with more than 10,000 members in our campus community, remains a very safe campus,” Roy said. “The data bear that out, but even more important, the attitudes and helpfulness of our campus community bear that out.”

Referrals for liquor law violations increased from 69 in 2013 to 91 in 2014, leading to 2 arrests compared to 1 in 2013.

Referrals for drug violations continued to decrease from 41 in 2012, 6 in 2013, and then 0 in 2014.

Last year saw 2 arrests for weapons violations, and increase from 0 in 2013.

Crime reports from Modesto Junior College cite 2 cases of forcible sex offense were reported last year, along with 1 robbery, 4 aggravated assaults, 3 burglaries, 1 motor vehicle theft, and 1 case of reported dating violence. The offenses all occurred on campus grounds.

UC Merced had 1 case of sex offenses reported in 2014, along with 1 burglary, 4 reports of stalking, and 1 report of domestic violence.

Merced Community College has the least amount of reported offenses with only 1 case of burglary being reported on campus in 2014.

Efforts by CSU Stanislaus to prevent crime and encourage reporting of crimes include Warrior Watch, the hiring of a victim’s advocate, stop abuse resources, psychological counseling resources, and a video message titled “Warriors Take a Stand Against Violence” (show below).

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