Turlock City News

Turlock City News

Growers Celebrate National Almond Day

Courtesy of Almond Board of California|

Packed with vitamin E, protein, magnesium, heart-healthy fiber and a tasty crunch, there is plenty to love about almonds.

Turlock’s most abundant nut, the almond, is getting some national love on Valentine’s Day weekend because Sunday is National Almond Day.

Feb. 16 was chosen because it marks the beginning of the time of year when almond trees, which surround Turlock in each direction, typically begin to bloom and grow.

The Almond Board of California points out that, ironically enough. February is also American Heart Month. Eating one and a half ounces of almonds as part of a low-fat diet may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Almonds are also vital to the Turlock’s economic health with the recently opened Blue Diamond almond processing plant providing much-needed jobs.

According to the Stanislaus County 2012 agriculture report, in Stanislaus County alone there are more than 18 million almond trees grown largely on 1,600 mostly small family-run orchards throughout the county. In 2012 almonds became the county’s most valuable crop, generating nearly $787 million in sales.

In celebration of National Almond Day the Almond Board is giving away free “Life Hacks” each day of the month. The Life Hacks include one pound of whole almonds, one pound of slivered almonds, one pound of almond flour and one jar of almond butter.

For more information, visit www.almonds.com.

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