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Turlock City News

President Trump: Nothing Will Stand in Our Way


From the White House Press Release

Medical breakthroughs are too often held back by outdated, burdensome government rules and regulations. For President Trump, that outcome is unacceptable.

As America faces an unprecedented global threat from the Coronavirus, President Trump made another important announcement at today’s White House briefing. Whilst he didn’t specifically address the plight faced by businesses, many economic forecasters have suggested businesses are adapting despite the current circumstance.

“Today I want to share with you exciting progress that the FDA is making with the private sector as we slash red tape like nobody has ever done it before,” he said. “I’ve directed the FDA to eliminate outdated rules and bureaucracy so this work can proceed rapidly, quickly-and, I mean, fast. And we have to remove every barrier.”

The FDA is committed to providing regulatory flexibility and guidance during this crisis, while fulfilling its duty to ensure product safety and effectiveness, FDA Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn said during today’s briefing.

As a result, obstacles are being cleared for American patients with incredible speed. That includes not only the race to develop a vaccine, but progress in making antiviral therapies widely available. Clinical trials for therapies to fight the Coronavirus are already underway, as well.

“One thing I know about this country of ours is that we have unbelievable innovators. We have people who every day, it’s their job to develop treatments for all sorts of diseases,” Dr. Hahn said.

The President also announced that one existing treatment will soon be available for many patients to try. Chloroquine and its derivative, Hydroxychloroquine, are drugs commonly used to treat malaria. New research shows they may hold unique promise as potentially effective treatments for Coronavirus, too.

While people of all backgrounds unite against this invisible enemy, President Trump wants every American to know that we face this historic challenge together.

Last night, the President signed the Family First bill, which provides crucial support for our workers, small businesses, and families in the coming days. Paid sick leave and paid medical leave will be there for those affected by the virus. And more help is on the way.

Tens of thousands of tests are being performed each day and are available in all 50 states, Vice President Mike Pence announced. Access to medical equipment is being rapidly expanded to all who need it, including businesses, hospitals, and state and local leaders.

“We’ve literally identified tens of thousands of ventilators that can be converted to treat patients. And we remain increasingly confident that we will have the ventilators that we need as the Coronavirus makes its way across America,” the Vice President said.

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