Turlock City News

Turlock City News

Repaving of East Main, Colorado, Fulkerth on Council Agenda

A few of Turlock’s dilapidated roadways may soon get a long-awaited resurfacing, pending Turlock City Council action on Tuesday.

The council is set to consider repaving sections of East Main Street, Colorado Avenue, and Fulkerth Road. Each repaving would see the installation of a rubberized asphalt overlay, similar to that seen on Fulkerth Road between Golden State Boulevard and Highway 99, and upgraded pedestrian access ramps.

Specifically, the project would resurface East Main Street between Canal Drive and Berkeley Avenue, Colorado Avenue between Canal Drive and Hawkeye Avenue, and Fulkerth Road from Fransil Lane to Highway 99.

The work would be performed by the apparent low bidder, Teichert Construction, Inc., of Stockton, at a cost of $836,841.40. The total project cost would amount to $1 million, including engineering, inspection, and contingency costs. The project would use $659,859 of federal Regional Surface Transportation Program grant funding, along with $349,841 in gas tax revenues; no General Fund dollars would be used.

On Tuesday, the Turlock City Council is also expected to:

  • Issue a proclamation in honor of American Red Cross Month.
  • Hear a presentation from the International Town & Gown Association, which looks to improve relationships between universities and their host cities.
  • Receive a regular update on capital project and building activity.
  • Extend an agreement with Bureau Veritas North America, Inc., to perform outside plan check services for the City of Turlock. The firm has checked some building plans for the city since 2011.The firm was employed to reduce the maximum plan check time to four weeks, in times when the Building Department is overwhelmed with work. The total cost of Bureau Veritas’s services are expected to reach $80,000, from the program’s inception through the end of this fiscal year.
  • Purchase three replacement police motorcycles from Long Beach BMW, at a cost of $85,129.05. The purchase would see the Traffic Safety Unit upgrade from Honda motorcycles, to the 2014 BMW R1200-RT-P. The Turlock Police Department has not used BMW motorcycles since 2006.
  • Approve the renaming of Sunnyview Park to Quaile Rand Norton Park, in honor of the late Mayor of Turlock. The Turlock Parks, Recreation, and Community Programs Commission previously approved the renaming.
  • Update the process by which parks and other public facilities are named.

The Turlock City Council will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the Yosemite Room of Turlock City Hall, 156 S. Broadway.

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