Turlock City News

Turlock City News

Turlock City Council Meeting Agenda 06-26-12

Tuesday evening, the Turlock City Council will have their regularly scheduled meeting at 7pm, which will be held at City Hall, located at 156 S. Broadway. Before the regularly scheduled City Council meeting, the Local Government Commission will be holding a free community event featuring special guest speaking Joe Minicozzi who will be sharing his presentation “The Dollars and Sense of Downtown Development" from 5:30pm to 7pm at City Hall.

Turlock Police Chief Rob Jackson will give the Police Annual Report during the City Council Meeting.

The Council will consider amending Turlock Municipal Code Title 3, Chapter 1, Article 6 regarding Dance Hall Permits. The City of Turlock Police Department is currently responsible for receiving and processing annual applications for Dance Hall Permits. Currently, the applications are processed through a background investigation to determine adherence to Turlock municipal code and State and Federal Law. Once the background process is completed, a recommendation for Approval or Denial is provided to the City Council for final determination.

The recommended amendment to the Turlock Municipal Codes removes the necessity of the City Council review for Dance Hall permits and relieves the applicants/customers of the additional unnecessary processes associated with Council preparation and presentation. The Police Department would continue to be responsible for vetting applications and completing adequate and complete investigatory, background, audit and records procedures to ensure compliance in the management of permitting processes for Dance Hall permits.

The Council will also consider making the same changes to Fortune Telling Permits and Dating and Escort Services Permits, as to remove the final Council review, leaving the application process solely with the Turlock Police Department.

Also for consideration is a resolution to supersede certain fees for City services and adopting Cost Recovery Percentages and schedule of Fees and Charges for City Recreational Services. This resolution contains the fees charged by the Park, Recreation and Public Facilities Division for programs, as well as rental charges for City parks and facilities. The Recreation program fees have been adjusted to account for the increasing costs of providing the programs, along with the rental charges for City Parks and other facilities to reflect associated costs.

The Council will also be looking at renewing various contracts, including insurance coverage for Employment Practices Liability Insurance, Workers’ Compensation Insurance, Health Insurance, Life Insurance and Long Term Disability coverage, insurance coverage for Property Programs, and maintaining insurance coverage for Employee Bonds.

In Closed Session, the City Council will hold a performance evaluation of City Attorney Phaedra Norton.

To view the Council Regular Meeting Agenda Packet, visit the City of Turlock website here:

People may also watch the Council video live from the City of Turlock website and on Charter channel 2.

Text Version:

Turlock City Council Regular Scheduled
Meeting Agenda
June 25, 2012
7:00 p.m.
City of Turlock Yosemite Room
156 S. Broadway, Turlock, California


A. Recognition: Employee Recognition for Years of Service
B. Announcement: Stanislaus County Fair, Apple Pie Contest Kickoff, Dr. Dave Dubyak
C. Presentation: Smart Valley Places Community Leadership Institute Graduates

SPEAKER CARDS: To accommodate those wishing to address the Council and allow for staff follow-up, speaker cards are available for any agendized topic or any other topic delivered under Public Comment. Please fill out and provide the Comment Card to the City Clerk or Police Officer.

• Tomara Hall, ASI Governmental Affairs Administrator

1. Police Annual Report (Jackson)

This is the time set aside for members of the public to directly address the City Council on any item of interest to the public, before or during the City Council’s consideration of the item, that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council. You will be allowed three (3) minutes for your comments. If you wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda, you may be asked to defer your remarks until the Council addresses the matter. No action or discussion may be undertaken on any item not appearing on the posted agenda, except that Council may refer the matter to staff or request it be placed on a future agenda.


Information concerning the consent items listed hereinbelow has been forwarded to each Councilmember prior to this meeting for study. Unless the Mayor, a Councilmember or member of the audience has questions concerning the Consent Calendar, the items are approved at one time by the Council. The action taken by the Council in approving the consent items is set forth in the explanation of the individual items.
A. Resolution: Accepting Demands of 5/24/12 in the amount of $1,429,487.31; Demands
of 5/31/12 in the amount of $1,546,248.80
B. Motion: Accepting Minutes of Special Meeting of October 6, 2009; Special Minutes of
February 24, 2011; Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 12, 2012
C. Motion: Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $19,750
(Fund 215) for City Project 10-65, “Rehabilitation of Golden State Boulevard and West
Main Street,” bringing the contract total to $1,005,234
D. Motion: Approving Amendment No. 1 to the agreement for special services with Koehn
Engineering & Design, Inc., of Turlock, California, for City Project No. 11-30, “Parcel
Map 11-03 Turlock Public Safety Facility”
E. Motion: Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $10,748
(Fund 305) for City Project No. 0804B, "Turlock Public Safety Facility," Category 06 –
Structural Steel, bringing the contract total to $3,426,088
F. Motion: Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $28,318
(Fund 305) for City Project No. 0804B, "Turlock Public Safety Facility," Category 12 –
Mechanical and HVAC, bringing the contract total to $2,506,286
G. Motion: Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 2 in the increased amount
of $2,332 (Fund 305) for City Project No. 0804B, "Turlock Public Safety Facility,"
Category 14 – Building and Site Plumbing, bringing the contract total to $883,332
H. Resolution: Considering intention to levy and collect assessments for Fiscal Year
2012/13 for Assessment Districts in the City of Turlock
I. Resolution: Initiating proceedings for the Blue Diamond Landscaping, Lighting, and
Street Maintenance Benefit Assessment District, Subdivision Project No. 12-21
J. Resolution: Initiating proceedings for Avena Bella, Parcel Map 11-04, Landscaping,
Lighting, and Street Maintenance Benefit Assessment District, Development Project No.
K. Resolution: Initiating proceedings for Moline, Parcel Map 12-01, Landscaping, Lighting,
and Street Maintenance Benefit Assessment District, Subdivision Project No. 12-33
L. 1. Motion: Approving Amendment No. 1 to the Retainer Agreement (Contract No. 11-
915) with 4Leaf, Inc., of Pleasanton, California, for plan check services, in an amount not
to exceed $22,500
2. Motion: Approving Amendment No. 1 to the Retainer Agreement (Contract No. 11-
918) with Bureau Veritas North America, Inc., of Sacramento, California, for plan check
services, in an amount not to exceed $42,500
M. Motion: Authorizing the execution of Amendment No. 1 to the agreement with the
Alliance/Small Business Development Center to offer business enhancements and
training services as outlined in Exhibit A for Fiscal Year 2011/12
N. 1. Motion: Approving an agreement with Jim Brisco Enterprises, Inc. for grounds cleanup
services at Turlock Regional Water Quality Control Facility, in an amount not to
exceed $187,000, for a period of twelve (12) months
2. Resolution: Appropriating $200,000 to account number 415-51-537.43344 “Landfill
Removal” funded by a transfer from Fund 415 “Sewer Bond Projects” for crushing,
screening and hauling materials from Turlock Regional Water Quality Control Facility
O. Motion: Authorizing the City Manager to submit a letter of authorization to the Stanislaus
County Department of Environmental Resources to submit a regional application to the
Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery for funding from the Used Oil
Payment Program (OPP) on an annual basis
P. Resolution: Accepting donations received from April through June Fiscal Year 2011/12,
to be deposited as per the attached worksheet, for a variety of Parks, Recreation &
Public Facilities Division programs, scholarships, and activities
Q. Motion: Approving an Agreement between the City of Turlock Police Department and
Jocelyn E. Roland, PH.D., to provide counseling/psychotherapy services to all sworn
officers, dispatchers, and community service officers of the Turlock Police Department at
no cost to the covered employee, for the period of July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013
R. Resolution: Approving the purchase of thirteen (13) additional electronic ticket writers
and associated hardware/software for the Turlock Police Department from Advanced
Public Safety of Deerfield Beach, Florida, from account number 266-20-255-341.51107
“JAG Expenses” in an amount not to exceed $39,255 and appropriating $27,000 to
account number 266-20-255-341.51107 “JAG Expenses” for fiscal year 2012-13 to be
funded from grant revenue
S. Resolution: Accepting monetary donations in the amount of $453.06 from various
donors and donations of assorted animal related products valued at $3,148.52 in support
of the City’s Animal Control Services for the third quarter of Fiscal Year 2011/12
T. Motion: Approving an Agreement between the City of Turlock Fire Department and
Jocelyn E. Roland, PH.D., to provide counseling/psychotherapy services to all sworn
firefighters of the Turlock Fire Department at no cost to the covered employee, for the
period of July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013
U. Resolution: Appropriating $1,125 to account number 265-30-304.47110 “Turlock
Services Donation Expenses” from Fund 265 “Fire Services Grants” reserve balance,
funded by revenue received in 265-30-304.37200_000 “Fire Services Donations” for
donations accepted from various sources in memory of retired Turlock Fire Engineer
Keith Crabtree, to be used for the Fire Explorers Program
V. Motion: Approving an agreement between the City of Turlock and Economic & Planning
Systems (EPS) to provide consulting services in connection with Turlock CFD No. 1 –
Monte Vista Corridor (District)
W. Motion: Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Phil Lancaster, an
outside labor negotiator, to assist in the Fiscal Year 2012/13 labor negotiations with all
units if needed, in an amount not to exceed $20,000
X. Motion: Extending contracts between the City of Turlock and Turlock City Employees
Association (TCEA), Turlock Associated Police Officers (TAPO), Turlock Firefighters,
Local (TFL) #2434, and Turlock Management Association – Public Safety (TMAPS), and
Schedule of Benefits between the City of Turlock and Turlock Confidential Employees
(TCE), and Turlock Management Employees (TME), for the period July 16, 2012 through
October, 31, 2012, and authorizing the City Manager any and all necessary documents
Y. Motion: Rejecting Claim for Damages filed by Hector Irasava
Z. Motion: Rejecting Claim for Damages filed by Angela/Manuel Cardenas
A. Recommended Action:
Ordinance: Amending Turlock Municipal Code Title 4, Chapter 6, Article 3, Section 2,
entitled “Tow-Away Zones: Designation” as introduced at the June 12, 2012 meeting

A. Request for approval establishing a lien for payment for the abatement of certain weeds, obnoxious growth and other debris on property and abandoned vehicles that are a
nuisance to the public. (Boyd)

Recommended Action
Resolution: Assessing properties for abatement costs and establishing a lien for payment

B. Request to amend the Turlock Municipal Code Title 4, Chapter 15 regarding Tow Car
Regulations. (Nielsen)

Recommended Action
Ordinance: Amending Turlock Municipal Code Title 4, Chapter 15 regarding Tow Car

C. Request to amend the Turlock Municipal Code Title 3, Chapter 1, Article 6, regarding
Dance Hall Permits. (Reid)

Recommended Action
Ordinance: Amending Turlock Municipal Code Title 3, Chapter 1, Article 6, regarding
Dance Hall Permits

D. Request to amend the Turlock Municipal Code Title 5, Chapter 3, regarding Fortune
Telling Permits. (Reid)

Recommended Action
Ordinance: Amending Turlock Municipal Code Title 5, Chapter 3, regarding Fortune
Telling Permits

E. Request to amend the Turlock Municipal Code Title 5, Chapter 18, regarding
Introduction, Dating and Escort Services Permits. (Reid)

Recommended Action
Ordinance: Amending Turlock Municipal Code Title 5, Chapter 18, regarding
Introduction, Dating and Escort Services Permits

F. Request to supersede certain fees for City services as set forth in Council Resolutions
2011229 and adopt Updated Cost Recovery Percentages and Schedule of Fees and
Charges for City Recreational Services pursuant to Turlock Municipal Code Section 3-3-
301 et. Seq. (Van Guilder)

Recommended Action
Resolution: Superseding certain fees for City services as set forth in Council
Resolutions 2011-229 and Adopting Updated Cost Recovery Percentages and
Schedules of Fees and Charges for City Recreational Services pursuant to Turlock
Municipal Code Section 3-3-301 et. seq.

G. Request to amend the Turlock Municipal Code Title 7 (Public Works), Chapter 2, Article
6, Section 1 related to the maintenance of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, curb cuts, and
driveway approaches and the liability of injuries to the Public. (Van Guilder)

Recommended Action
Ordinance: Amending Turlock Municipal Code Title 7 (Public Works), Chapter 2, Article

6, Section 1 related to the maintenance of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, curb cuts, and
driveway approaches and the liability of injuries to the Public
H. Request to amend Turlock Municipal Code Title 2, Chapter 7, Section 04, entitled,
“Purchasing Officer: Powers and duties”. (Norton)

Recommended Action
Ordinance: Amending the Turlock Municipal Code Title 2, Chapter 7, Section 04,
entitled, “Purchasing Officer: Powers and duties”

A. Request for approval to enter into contracts to maintain insurance coverage for
Employee Bonds for Fiscal Year 2012-13. (Wasden/Eddy)

Recommended Action:
Resolution: Authorizing approval to enter into contracts to maintain insurance coverage
for Employee Bonds for Fiscal Year 2012-13

B. Request for approval to enter into contracts to maintain insurance coverage for Excess
Property Programs for Fiscal Year 2012-13. (Wasden/Eddy)

Recommended Action:
Resolution: Authorizing approval to enter into contracts to maintain insurance coverage
for Property Programs for Fiscal Year 2012-13

C. Request for approval to enter into contracts to maintain insurance coverage for Workers’
Compensation Insurance for Fiscal Year 2011-12. (Wasden/Eddy)

Recommended Action:
Resolution: Authorizing approval to enter into contracts to maintain insurance coverage
for Workers’ Compensation Insurance for Fiscal Year 2012-13

D. Request for approval to enter into contracts to maintain Health Insurance, Life
Insurance, and Long Term Disability coverage for Fiscal Year 2012-13. (Wasden/Eddy)

Recommended Action:
Resolution: Authorizing approval to enter into contracts to maintain Health Insurance,
Life Insurance, and Long Term Disability coverage for Fiscal Year 2012-13

E. Request for approval to enter into contracts to maintain insurance coverage for
Employment Practices Liability Insurance for Fiscal Year 2012-13. (Wasden/Eddy)

Recommended Action:
Resolution: Authorizing approval to enter into contracts to maintain insurance coverage
for Employment Practices Liability Insurance for Fiscal Year 2012-13


Councilmembers may provide a brief report on notable topics of interest. The Brown Act does not allow discussion or action by the legislative body.

A. Public Employee Performance Evaluation, Cal. Gov’t Code §54957
Title: City Attorney

B. Conference with Real Property Negotiators, Cal. Gov’t Code §54956.8
Property: 1055 Vermont Avenue, Turlock, APN 050-004-056-000
Agency Negotiator: Roy W. Wasden
Negotiating Parties: Children’s Crisis Center, a non-profit community organization
Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment

Property: 1001 Montana Avenue, Turlock, APN 050-009-002-000
Agency Negotiator: Roy W. Wasden
Negotiating Parties: Turlock Unified School District
Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment


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