View the complete agenda for the Turlock City Council Meeting to be held on September 27, 2011, at 7:00pm at City Hall.
A 5pm Special Meeting will take place before the regular Council Meeting on Tuesday to discuss and continue preparing the 2011-2013 City of Turlock Strategic Plan.
People may also watch the Council video live from a link on the City of Turlock website or on Charter channel 2.
View the complete Turlock City Council Agenda Packet in pdf form here:
Text Version:
Turlock City Council Agenda
September 27, 2011
7:00 p.m.
City of Turlock Yosemite Room
156 S. Broadway, Turlock, California
1. Turlock Chamber of Commerce (Silva)
SPEAKER CARDS: To accommodate those wishing to address the Council and allow for staff follow-up, speaker cards are available for any agendized topic or any other topic delivered under Public Comment. Please fill out and provide the Comment Card to the City Clerk or Police Officer.
1. Housing Program Services Department & Parks, Recreation & Public Facilities
Department Move (Pitt/Van Guilder)
2. Affordable Housing (Pitt)
3. Proposed State Storm Water Regulations (Cooke)
This is the time set aside for members of the public to directly address the City Council on any item of interest to the public, before or during the City Council’s consideration of the item, that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council. You will be allowed three (3) minutes for your comments. If you wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda, you may be asked to defer your remarks until the Council addresses the matter. No action or discussion may be undertaken on any item not appearing on the posted agenda, except that Council may refer the matter to staff or request it be placed on a future agenda.
Information concerning the consent items listed hereinbelow has been forwarded to each Councilmember prior to this meeting for study. Unless the Mayor, a Councilmember or member of the audience has questions concerning the Consent Calendar, the items are approved at one time by the Council. The action taken by the Council in approving the consent items is set forth in the explanation of the individual items.
A. Resolution: Accepting Demands of 08/31/06 in the amount of $502,891.28; Demands of
09/1/11 in the amount of $832,130.76; Demands of 09/8/11 in the amount of
B. Motion: Accepting Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 13, 2011
C. Motion: Awarding bid and approving an agreement in the amount of $11,663 (Fund 217)
with BC Construction of Ceres, California for City Project No. 11-39, “Palm and Minaret
Road Improvements”
D. 1. Motion: Approving Contract Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $106,342.35 (Fund
305) for City Project No. 0804A, "Turlock Public Safety Facility – Off-Site
Improvements," bringing the contract total to $1,124,404.25
2. Resolution: Appropriating $17,152.60 to account number 305-40-441.51270 “Public
Safety Facility” to be funded via a transfer of monies from Fund 305 “Carnegie Facility
Reconstruction” for City Project No. 0804A, "Turlock Public Safety Facility –Off-Site
3. Resolution: Appropriating $50,426 to account number 305-40-441.51270 “Public
Safety Facility” to be funded via a transfer of monies from Fund 415, “Sewer
Construction” for City Project No. 0804A, "Turlock Public Safety Facility – Off-Site
E. Motion: Approving a contract for landfill services in the amount of $35,000 (Fund 305) to
Republic Services, Inc. of Stockton, CA, for the disposal of contaminated soil associated
with City Project No. 0804B, “Turlock Public Safety Facility,” and ratifying the City
Manager signature on said agreement
F. Motion: Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 1 of a credit in the amount
of $29,719 (Fund 305) for City Project No. 0804B, “Turlock Public Safety Facility,”
Category 4 – Landscaping, bringing the contract total to $226,810
G. Motion: Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 1 of a credit in the amount
of $9,021 (Fund 305) for City Project No. 0804B, “Turlock Public Safety Facility,”
Category 5 – Masonry, bringing the contract total to $1,316,112
H. Motion: Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 1 of a credit in the amount
of $41,114 (Fund 305) for City Project No. 0804B, “Turlock Public Safety Facility,”
Category 7 – Framing, Drywall, and Plaster, bringing the contract total to $2,456,633
I. 1. Resolution:Appropriating $881,255 to account number 420-52-551.51270 “Water
Reservoir & Pump Station – Fulkerth (Water Bond Project)”, from Non-General Fund 420
“Water Reserve” balance for specialized engineering services to design and provide
construction management for City Project No. 11-42, “Water Reservoir & Pump Station
on Fulkerth Road”
2. Motion: Approving an agreement with Carollo Engineers of Walnut Creek, California,
for specialized engineering services to design and provide construction management for
a water reservoir and pump station in an amount not to exceed $881,255, from account
number 420-52-551.51270 “Water Reservoir & Pump Station – Fulkerth (Water Bond
Project” for City Project No. 11-42, “Water Reservoir & Pump Station on Fulkerth Road”
J. Motion: Approving an agreement between the City of Turlock and Transit Capital
Support Services for Federal Transit Administration and California Department of
Transportation Financial Status Reports and Milestone Status Reports in an amount not
to exceed $60,548
K. 1. Motion: Approving Contract Change Order No. 3 (Final) in the amount of $94,494.61
(Fund 308) for City Project No. 0827, "WISP Infrastructure Improvements," bringing the
contract total to $2,754,478.89
2. Motion: Accepting improvements for City Project No. 0827, "WISP Infrastructure
Improvements," and authorizing the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion
L. Motion: Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 1 in the amount of
$17,669.96 (Fund 140) for City Project No. 0952, “Turlock Regional Transit Center,”
bringing the contract total to $1,362,750.80
M. 1. Motion: Approving the sole source procurement of equipment needed for the rebuild
of Primary Flotation Clarifier #2 in the amount of $250,000
2. Resolution: Authorizing the sole source procurement of Ovivo/Eimco flotation clarifier
equipment without compliance to the formal bid procedure in an amount not to exceed
N. Motion: Authorizing the City Manager or his designee to submit a planning grant
application to the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) on behalf of the
East Stanislaus Regional Water Management Partnership (ESRWMP), and to execute a
grant agreement with the Department of Water Resources
O. 1. Resolution: Approving a Joint Powers Authority Agreement (JPA) between the Cities
of Ceres, Modesto, and Turlock to form the Stanislaus Regional Water Authority (SRWA)
for the purpose of directing the future of the proposed Regional Surface Water Supply
Project (RSWSP)
2. Resolution: Appropriating $75,000 to account number 420-52-550.43515 “Stanislaus
Regional Water Authority” from Fund 420 "Water Enterprise" reserve balance for the
formation and funding of the JPA
P. Motion: Approving Amendment No. 1 to the agreement with Carollo Engineers, City
Contract No. 11-936, in the amount of $183,761, to include design, bid and construction
management of a new floating cover on Digester No. 4 located at the Regional Water
Quality Control Facility (RWQCF), from account number 410-51-534.51137 “Water
Quality Control”, City Project No. 0751
Q. Resolution: Accepting donations received from July through September, Fiscal Year
2011/12, to be deposited as per Exhibit A for a variety of Parks, Recreation & Public
Facilities Division programs, scholarships, and activities
R. Resolution: Authorizing the extension of the Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Program
until April 30, 2022
S. Resolution: Accepting Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund (SLESF) monies
from the State of California Citizen’s Option for Public Safety (COPS) program projected
to be a minimum of $100,000 for frontline law enforcement and appropriating said funds
for expenditures in Fund 267 “COPS AB3229” for FY 2011/12
T. Resolution: Authorizing the creation of one (1) new job classification for the Public
Safety Records Supervisor
U. Resolution: Accepting a $100 cash donation from Joe and Machelle Bello in support of
the City of Turlock’s Police Activities League (PAL)
V. Resolution: Accepting monetary donations valued at $469.78 from various donors in
support of the City of Turlock Animal Control Services and donations of assorted animal
related products valued at $1,870.72 utilized in support of the City of Turlock’s Animal
Control Services operations
W. Resolution: Approving the purchase of nineteen (19) replacement patrol cars for Turlock
Police Department from Wondries Fleet Group of Alhambra, California, from account
number 112-10-116.51112 “General Fund Reserve for Capital Purchases – Marked
Patrol Vehicles” in an amount not to exceed $510,225
X. Motion: Approving an agreement for special services between the City of Turlock and
Sargeant’s Wholesale Biologicals for the animal carcass collection program for Turlock
Animal Control Services
Y. Resolution: Accepting the donation of $10,000 from the Ladies Auxiliary to Veterans of
5059, in support of the construction of the Veterans Memorial at the new Public Safety
Facility, to be deposited in account number 305-40-441.37200_002 “Donations – Public
Safety Facility”
Z. Resolution: Accepting donations received as per the attached worksheet, for Turlock
Police Department’s National Night Out and Annual Open House & Safety Fair, to be
deposited into account number 266-20-255_351.37200 “Police Donations”
AA. Resolution: Accepting the donation and installation of sun screens by Paul’s Glass
Company of Turlock, CA, at Fire Station No. 4., located at 2820 N. Walnut, in the valued
amount of $300
AB. Resolution: Accepting the donation of used Class B uniform shirts from the Westport
Fire Department for the Turlock Fire Explorers Program
AC. Rejecting Claim for Damages filed by Saul Barragan
AD. Rejecting Claim for Damages filed by Cristobal Olivares
A. Recommended Action:
Ordinance: Amending Turlock Municipal Code, Title 2, Chapter 9, entitled “Public Works
Contracts” in order to update Sections 02, 04 and 05 regarding Informal Bid Limit as
introduced at the September 13, 2011 meeting.
B. Recommended Action:
Ordinance: Amending Turlock Municipal Code, Title 1, Chapter 4, entitled “Appeals”
regarding Police Permit Appeals as introduced at the September 13, 2011 meeting.
C. Recommended Action:
Ordinance: Amending Turlock Municipal Code, Title 3, Chapter 1, Article 12, entitled
“Taxicabs and Automobiles for Hire: Regulations” as introduced at the September 13,
2011 meeting.
A. Request to amend the Turlock Municipal Code Title 4, Chapter 3, Article 2, Section 4(c),
regarding Fire Department Access. (Lohman)
Recommended Action
Ordinance: Amending Turlock Municipal Code Title 4, Chapter 3, Article 2, Section 4(c),
regarding Fire Department Access
A. Request to approve the name change of the Westside Industrial Specific Plan (WISP)
area to the Turlock Regional Industrial Park. (McNally-Dial)
Recommended Action:
Resolution: Approving the name change of the Westside Industrial Specific Plan (WISP)
area to the Turlock Regional Industrial Park
B. Request to adopt a nonbinding resolution declaring its intent to adopt an ordinance to
comply with Part 1.9 of Division 24 of the California Health and Safety Code after
October 1, 2011 and taking certain actions in connection therewith. (McNally-Dial)
Recommended Action:
Resolution: Adopting a nonbinding resolution declaring its intent to adopt an ordinance
to comply with Part 1.9 of Division 24 of the California Health and Safety Code after
October 1, 2011 and taking certain actions in connection therewith
C. Request to approve the inlcusion of the City of Turlock as party in the Amicus Brief
prepared by Richards, Watson & Gershon. (McNally-Dial)
Recommended Action:
Motion: Approving the inclusion of the City of Turlock as party in the Amicus Brief
prepared by Richards, Watson & Gerson
D. Request to authorize and approve the execution and delivery of a Transfer Agreement
pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34194.2 and taking certain other actions in
connection therewith. (McNally-Dial)
Recommended Action:
Resolution: Authorizing and approving the execution and delivery of a Transfer
Agreement pursuant to health and Safety Code Section 34194.2 and taking certain other
actions in connection therewith
Councilmembers may provide a brief report on notable topics of interest. The Brown Act does not allow discussion or action by the legislative body.