Turlock City News

Turlock City News

Turlock City Council Meeting Agenda for June 12th

Tomorrow evening, the City Council will join for their regularly scheduled meeting at 7pm. The meeting will be held at City Hall, located at 156 S. Broadway.

The Council will consider approving a Transportation Development Act (TDA) Claim #2 for Non-Transit expenses for fiscal year 2011-12 in the amount of $255,513 and adjusting the projected Local Transportation Revenue in Fund 216 to current Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG) estimates. The Local Transportation Fund Claim of $255,513 is to be used as a source of revenue for local street maintenance costs.

Each year the City submits an application to StanCOG for State of California Transportation Development Act (TDA) Local Transportation Funding (LTF) funds, which are derived from ¼ cent of the statewide 7.375% cent retail sales tax. This is one source of revenue for transit operations and provides a portion of the funding for “Non-Transit” (Streets and Roads, and Non-Motorized) activities following fully funding transit activities.

This funding will provide a source of some revenue for City improvements and maintenance of local streets and streetlights, as the City of Turlock’s Community Infrastructure goal is to provide safe and well-maintained streets for the citizens of Turlock. In order to receive the funds, however, a resolution is required with each TDA/LTF claim submittal. LTF revenues for street purposes are available to claiming agencies after StanCOG completes payment on the claims.

The Transportation Development Act is divided into two sources, including Local Transportation Funds and State Transit Assistance Funds. This is the major source of revenue for transit operations and provides a small portion of stress and roads funding. The City of Turlock will also be requesting an additional $41,500 of Local Transportation Funds and $9,694 of State Transit Assistance Funds.

The City Council will also be considering amending the Turlock Municipal Code Title 4, Chapter 6, Article 3, Section 2, entitled “Tow-Away Zones: Designation.” During the hours of the Turlock Farmer’s Market, which is held every Friday between 8am and 1pm during the months of May and October, Broadway is closed to vehicle traffic from W. Olive Avenue to Market Street. During these times, the roadway is used for vendor kiosks, displays, convenient movement of pedestrians and live entertainment.

Event organizers close the roadway during set up for the Turlock Farmers Market, preventing vehicles from entering and parking. However, it would not be feasible, nor authorized by permit, to close the entire roadway the evening before the event. This circumstance allows cars, which have been parked in the area overnight, to be on the street and create a disruption to using the area authorized for the Turlock’s Farmers Market. Staff currently has few options to prevent vehicles parking or resolve the disruption caused.

The Turlock Municipal Code Title 4, Chapter 6, Article 3 “Prohibited Parking and Authorized Removal of Vehicles (also known as the Tow-Away Zones” allows the establishment of tow-away zones. These zones allow the City Council to prohibit parking during specific days and times, authorizing removal of vehicles violating the section, for designated areas. The City currently has one designated zone, on Tuesdays in the area of the Sales Yard.

This amendment would establish a second tow-away zone, on both sides of Broadway between W. Olive Avenue and Market Street. This zone would be effective during the hours of 7am to 2pm on Fridays, during the months of May through October, inclusive.

Also on the agenda, the City Council could authorize the City of Turlock to assume all rights, title and interest from the Stanislaus Community Assistance Project (SCAP) Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Grant in the amount of $284,018 and authorize the City Manager to execute an assignment and assumption agreement and all HPRP documents and any amendments thereto to effectuate the HPRP contract with the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development.

The Council will choose to appropriate the $284,018 to the Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Grant Expenses, funded by revenue received from the HPRP Grant, and approve the Memorandums of Understanding between the City of Turlock and each of the three service providers, including Children’s Crisis Center, We Care, and the Samaritan Foundation.

The purpose of the HPRP program has been to provide homelessness prevention assistance for households who would otherwise become homeless and provide assistance to rapidly re-house people who, through these difficult economic times, have become homeless. Funding will allow the City of Turlock Housing Program Services the opportunity to complete the original grant and expend the grant balance of $284,018 for the benefit of the community.

To view the Council Regular Meeting Agenda Packet, visit the City of Turlock website here:

People may also watch the Council video live from the City of Turlock website and on Charter channel 2.

Text Version:

Turlock City Council Regular Scheduled
Meeting Agenda
June 12, 2012
7:00 p.m.
City of Turlock Yosemite Room
156 S. Broadway, Turlock, California



A. Proclamation: Disability Awareness Month in Stanislaus County, June 2012
B. Proclamation: United States Army Week, June 11-16, 2012
C. Appointment: Development Collaborative Advisory Committee
D. Presentation: Pacific Gas & Electric Hydrotesting, Richard Dye

SPEAKER CARDS: To accommodate those wishing to address the Council and allow for staff follow-up, speaker cards are available for any agendized topic or any other topic delivered under Public Comment. Please fill out and provide the Comment Card to the City Clerk or Police Officer.

1. Board, Commission, and Committee Vacancies (Weaver)
2. Capital Projects (Pitcock)

This is the time set aside for members of the public to directly address the City Council on any item of interest to the public, before or during the City Council’s consideration of the item, that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council. You will be allowed three (3) minutes for your comments. If you wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda, you may be asked to defer your remarks until the Council addresses the matter. No action or discussion may be undertaken on any item not appearing on the posted agenda, except that Council may refer the matter to staff or request it be placed on a future agenda.


Information concerning the consent items listed hereinbelow has been forwarded to each Councilmember prior to this meeting for study. Unless the Mayor, a Councilmember or member of the audience has questions concerning the Consent Calendar, the items are approved at one time by the Council. The action taken by the Council in approving the consent items is set forth in the explanation of the individual items.
A. Resolution: Accepting Demands of 5/3/12 in the amount of $447,576.86; Demands of
5/10/12 in the amount of $840,506.72; Demands of 5/17/12 in the amount of
B. Motion: Accepting Minutes of Special Meeting of May 22, 2012; Minutes of Regular
Meeting of May 22, 2012
C. Resolution: Approving a Transportation Development Act (TDA) Claim #2 for Non-
Transit expenses for Fiscal Year 2011-12 in the amount of $255,513 and adjusting the
projected Local Transportation Revenue in Fund 216 to current StanCOG estimates
D. Resolution: Approving the Transportation Development Act (TDA) Claim for funding of
transit activities for Fiscal Year 2012-13
E. Motion: Approving an exchange agreement between the City of Turlock and Genesis
Family Enterprises, Inc., for property located on the corner of North Tegner Road and
Taylor Road, as required to complete City Project No. 11-43, “The North Tegner Road
F. Motion: Reaffirming the emergency declaration of the City Manager that there is a need
to pursue the replacement of hot water circulation piping at the Turlock Regional Water
Quality Control Facility without compliance to the formal competitive bid process
G. 1. Motion: Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 1 (Final) for a credit of
$2,437.50 (Fund 301) for City Project No. 12-27, "ADA Improvements at the Southwest
Corner of Monte Vista Avenue and Geer Road," bringing the contract total to $20,326.50
2. Motion: Accepting improvements for City Project No. 12-27, "ADA Improvements at
the Southwest Corner of Monte Vista Avenue and Geer Road," and authorizing the City
Engineer to file a Notice of Completion
H. 1. Motion: Reaffirming the emergency declaration of the City Manager that there is a
need to maintain the transition of Monte Vista Avenue with the Union Pacific Railroad
without compliance to the formal competitive bid process
2. Motion: Awarding bid and approving an agreement in the amount of $60,500 (Fund
217) with George Reed Inc., of Modesto, California, for City Project No. 12-34 "MV and
GSB RR Crossing”
I. Motion: Accepting notification of Contract Change Order No. 1 in the amount of
$6,579.93 (Fund 306) for City Project No. 0939, "Storm Drain Pump Station at North
Tegner Road and Sandstone Street," bringing the contract total to $489,182.53
J. Motion: Approving an agreement for materials testing and special inspection services in the amount of $170,000 (Fund 415) with Kleinfelder West, Inc., of Merced, California, for City Project No. 6859, "Harding Drain Bypass Pump Station and Pipeline"
K. 1. Motion: Approving Amendment No. 1 to Special Services Contract No. 10-775 for
Benchmark Engineering, Inc., to extend the term of the agreement to June 30, 2013 to
prepare the Morgan Ranch Master Plan and EIR
2. Motion: Approving Amendment No. 2 to Special Services Contract No. 10-775 for
Benchmark Engineering, Inc., to extend the term of the agreement to June 30, 2013 to
provide engineering services for the Morgan Ranch Master Plan
L. Motion: Approving an agreement with All Valley Smog, Inc., of Turlock, California, for smog services for all City fleet vehicles for a period of twelve (12) months, in an amount not to exceed $3,000
M. Resolution: Appropriating $3,500 to account number 110-61-622-003.43727 "Turlock
Youth Self Defense" from Fund 110 “General Fund” reserve balance, funded by revenue
received in 110-61-622-003.35720 “Revenue Turlock Self Defense” for contracted
instructor(s) for program classes
N. Resolution: Extending the City of Turlock’s Military Leave Policy per Resolution No.
2008-139 for employees involuntarily called to active duty as a result of the nation’s war
on terrorism
O. 1. Resolution: Calling for the holding of a General Municipal Election to be held on
Tuesday, November 6, 2012, for the election of certain officers as required by the
provisions of the laws of the State of California relating to general law cities
2. Resolution: Requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of Stanislaus to
consolidate a General Municipal Election to be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2012,
with the Statewide General Election to be held on the same date pursuant to §10403 of
the Elections Code
3. Resolution: Adopting regulations for candidates for elective office pertaining to
candidate’s statements submitted to the voters at a General Municipal Election to be
held on Tuesday, November 6, 2012
4. Resolution: Setting the deposit fee which will be required of candidates who elect to
have a candidate’s Statement of Qualifications printed in the ballot pamphlet for the City
of Turlock General Municipal Election to be held on November 6, 2012

A. Recommended Action:
Ordinance: Amending Turlock Municipal Code Title 6, Chapter 3, Article 1, Section 1
regarding rates for the collection of recyclable waste material as introduced at the May
22, 2012 meeting

A. Request to amend Turlock Municipal Code Title 4, Chapter 6, Article 3, Section 2,
entitled “Tow-Away Zones: Designation”. (Lopes)

Recommended Action:
Ordinance: Amending Turlock Municipal Code Title 4, Chapter 6, Article 3, Section 2,
entitled “Tow-Away Zones: Designation”

A. Request to provide direction and authorize potential action on pending State Legislation.

Recommended Action:
Motion: Providing direction and authorizing potential action of pending state legislation
including SB 1156, Department of Finance Budget Trailer Bill (no number) as well as two court cases involving former redevelopment agencies Required Obligation Payment
Schedules (ROPS)

B. Request to award bid and approve an agreement with C. Overaa & Co., of Richmond,
California, for City Project No. 0751, “Turlock Regional Water Quality Control Facility
Headworks and Secondary Treatment Capacity Expansion – Phase 1”. (Pitcock)

Recommended Action:
Motion: Awarding bid and approving an agreement in the amount of $23,090,000 (Fund
415) with C. Overaa & Co., of Richmond, California, for City Project No. 0751, "Turlock
Regional Water Quality Control Facility Headworks and Secondary Treatment Capacity
Expansion – Phase 1”

C. Request to authorize the City of Turlock to assume all rights, title and interest from the
Stanislaus Community Assistance Project (SCAP) Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-
Housing Grant, execute all necessary agreements, appropriate associated funding, and
approve Memorandums of Understanding between the City of Turlock and each of the
three (3) service providers. (Pitt)

Recommended Action:
Resolution: Authorizing the City of Turlock to assume all rights, title and interest from
the Stanislaus Community Assistance Project (SCAP) Homeless Prevention and Rapid
Re-Housing Grant in the amount of $284,018 and authorizing the City Manager to
execute an assignment and assumption agreement and all HPRP documents and any
amendments thereto to effectuate the HPRP contract with the State of California
Department of Housing and Community Development
Resolution: Appropriating $284,018 to account number 257-41-489.47211 “Homeless
Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Grant Expenses” funded by revenue received in
account number 257-41-489.34140 “Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Grant”
Motion: Approving the Memorandums of Understanding between the City of Turlock andeach of the three (3) service providers; Children’s Crisis Center, We Care, and
Samaritan Foundation as described in Exhibit A


Councilmembers may provide a brief report on notable topics of interest. The Brown Act does not allow discussion or action by the legislative body.

Conference with Labor Negotiators, Cal. Gov’t Code §54957.6
Agency Negotiators: Roy W. Wasden/Phil Lancaster
Employee Organization: Turlock Associated Police Officers
Employee Organization: Turlock City Employee Association
Employee Organization: Turlock Firefighters Association. Local 2434
Employee Organization: Turlock Management Association-Public Safety
Unrepresented Employees: Accountant, Sr., Assistant to the CityManager for Economic
Development/Redevelopment, Community Housing Services Manager, Deputy Development Services
Director/Planning, Development Services Director/City Engineer, Development Services Supervisor/City
Surveyor, Executive Assistant to the City Manager/City Clerk, Finance Customer Service Supervisor, Fire
Chief, Human Resources Manager, Human Resources Technician, Legal Assistant, Municipal Services
Director, Payroll Coordinator, Principal Civil Engineer, Public Facilities Maintenance Manager, Regulatory
Affairs Manager, Secretary/Deputy City Clerk, Executive Administrative Assistant/Public Safety,
Technical Services Manager, Traffic/Transportation Engineering Supervisor, Utilities Manager, Water
Quality Control Division Manager


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