Turlock City News

Turlock City News

Turlock Police to Hold Citizen’s Police Academy

David Fransen|

The Turlock Police Department is launching a new initiative to engage citizens in their role in fighting crime through a free, 12-week Citizen’s Police Academy.

The program is designed to provide citizens with information and resources, mutual learning, critical analysis of issues, and an exchange of ideas and perspectives within the Police Department and the criminal justice system.

The program will begin Jan. 16, 2014 and will consist of weekly classes and discussion from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. every Thursday at the Turlock Public Safety Facility, 244 N. Broadway.

Classes will provide an in-depth view into various areas and specialized units of law enforcement. It is an educational and informative program that gives citizens the opportunity to learn about the issues that affect law enforcement efforts in the City of Turlock, and how to develop a partnership with the Police Department.

It is the Police Department’s goal that upon completion of the course participants will have a better understanding of what the police do and why, and experience improved communication and partnership between themselves and the Police Department.

There are over 30 presentations in this course, and some of the topics discussed are Officer Recruitment and Training, Crime Scene Investigation, Police Emergency Communications Center (Dispatch), Crime Prevention, Narcotics Enforcement and Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT).

Limited space is available in the Citizen’s Academy and registration is required.

To attend, or for information about the course, e-mail or call Turlock Police Department Crime Prevention Officer Backeroff at mbackeroff@turlock.ca.us or (209) 656-3153. The registration deadline is Jan. 9, 2014.

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