Turlock City News

Turlock City News

Work Could Resume on Monte Vista Repaving Soon

David Fransen|

Waiting for Turlock's Monte Vista Avenue to be repaved in front of California State University, Stanislaus? Keep waiting – at least for a little while longer.

A $887,037.25 project, approved by the Turlock City Council in September 2012, will repave Monte Vista Avenue between Crowell and Geer roads. The project will install of a rubberized asphalt overlay, similar to that used in the recent rehabilitation of Fulkerth Road.

Work on the project began before Christmas, as city crews installed a concrete median and updated curbs and gutters.

The project is currently on hold, however, as it is currently too cold to install the temperature-sensitive rubberized asphalt. The City of Turlock currently expects to resume work on the project within the month, as temperatures increase.

“I'm hoping next month I'll give you some update on actual activity,” said City Engineer Mike Pitcock.

In other Monte Vista Avenue news, Pitcock confirmed a traffic signal will soon be installed at the intersection of Monte Vista and Colorado avenues. That intersection is currently a four-way stop.

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