Turlock City News

Turlock City News

Rare Site of Rain in Turlock During Drought


Although short lived for periods of time, the rain on Thursday was exciting for Turlockers. It has been an unfamiliar site this year for residents to walk outside and see wet streets and lawns. Many people posted to social media regarding the rain.

Turlock Irrigation District’s Canal Drive weather station reported that the rain accumulated 0.07 inches of water by early afternoon.

According to TID.org, today’s waterfall is expected to be short lived as the sun breaks back through the clouds. Friday has a high of 83 degrees and Saturday 84 degrees.
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Rain is predicted for Sunday with a chance of storm, and again on Monday.

With the first showers in some time, wet driving conditions are often cause for accidents.

California Highway Patrol warns those driving during rainy conditions to drive with headlights on, apply brakes more slowly, and leave extra distance between your car and the next motorist.

Enjoy the rain today and be safe!
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