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Turlock School Board Meeting Agenda 03-16-10

View the Turlock Unified School District Meeting Agenda for Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at 5:15 p.m.
Turlock Unified School District
Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
5:15 p.m.
Turlock High School
Performance Arts Building
1600 East Canal Drive
Turlock, California
Frank Lima, President
Loren Holt, Clerk
Eileen Hamilton
John C. Sims
Bob Weaver
Josh Bernard
Tami Muniz
Community members have two opportunities to address the Board of Trustees.
If you wish to address the Board on an agenda item, please do so when that item is called. The start times are only an estimate and items may be considered in a different order. Presentations will be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes. Time limitations are at the discretion of the President of the Board.
Individuals have an opportunity to address the Board during the Period for Public Discussion on topics within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board not listed on this agenda. Presentations will be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes, with a total of thirty (30) minutes designated for this portion of the agenda. Individuals with questions on school district issues may submit them in writing. The Board will automatically refer requests to the Superintendent.
Estimated Agenda Timeline:
A. Call Public Session to Order
B. Roll Call
(If the Board does not complete Closed Session items by 6:00 p.m., it will reconvene after the Regular Board meeting.)
A. Identification of Closed Session Topics
B. Public Comment Period Regarding Closed Session Items
The Board of Trustees will convene in Closed Session in the Turlock High School
Performing Arts Building regarding:
A. Conference With Labor Negotiators — Government Code Section 54957.6
District Designated Representatives: Mike Trainor, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources; Lori Decker, Chief Financial Officer; and Heidi Lawler,
Director of Human Resources.
Employee Organizations: Turlock Teachers Association (TTA),
California School Employees Association (CSEA),
Turlock Classified American Federation of Teachers (TCAFT), and
Unrepresented Employees (Classified Management, Certificated District and Site Administration, Confidential Employees, and Student Support Personnel).
B. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL–EXISTING LITIGATION, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a):
Turlock Citizens Coalition etc., et al. v. City of Turlock, etc., Turlock Unified School
District, etc., et al.; Stanislaus County Superior Court Case No. 649092
A. Report action taken in Closed Session (if any)
B. Flag Salute
C. Turlock Unified School District Mission Statement.
D. Roll Call
Motion by ____________________, Seconded by______________________ that the
agenda for the meeting be approved.
A. Superintendent Report
A. District Music Festival dates: March 22, 23, 24, 25, 2010 – 7:00 p.m. — at Pitman High
School Gym.
B. Wednesday, March 24, 2010, 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., County Occupational Olympics, Turlock Fairgrounds
C. Thursday, March 25, 2010, Board of Trustees School Sites Tour – 7:45 a.m.
(Pitman High School, Osborn Elementary School, Cunningham Elementary School)
D. April 2 – 9, 2010 – Traditional Spring Recess
E. Tuesday, April 13, 2010 – 6:30 p.m. – Turlock Unified School District Board of
Trustees Meeting – Turlock High School Performing Arts Building
Items listed under the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and are acted on by the Board of Trustees in one motion. There is no discussion of these items before the vote unless a Board member, staff or public requests specific items be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar. It is understood that the administration recommends approval on all Consent Items. Each item approved by the Board shall be deemed to have been considered in full and adopted as recommended.
Administrative Functions
A. Approval of Personal Services Agreements
1. Ron Boren for Assemblies for STAR testing motivation (Item 1)
for 2 – 6 grade students at Osborn Elementary School.
A. Authorization to solicit bids for the refinishing of District wood floors. (Item 2)
B. Authorization to enter into an agreement with Impact Construction for the (Item 3)
purchase of a new toilet building to be placed at Joe Debely Stadium. It is recommended the Board of Trustees approve the Consent Calendar, as presented.
Motion by _____________________, Seconded by ________________________.
6:22 (Action)
A. Public Hearing – Initial Proposal from Turlock Teachers Association (TTA) (Item 4) to the District (Lima/Trainor)
The Board President will declare a Public Hearing, pursuant to Government Code Section 3547(a), to hear public comments regarding the 2010-2013 Initial Proposal from TTA to the District.
6:27 (Action)
B. Public Hearing – Initial Proposal from Turlock Classified American (Item 5)
Federation of Teachers (TC-AFT) to the District (Lima/Lawler)
The Board President will declare a Public Hearing, pursuant to Government Code Section 3547(a), to hear public comments regarding the 2010-2013 Initial Proposal from TC-AFT to the District.
6:32 (Action)
C. Public Hearing – Initial Proposal from California School Employees (Item 6)
Association (CSEA) to the District (Lima/Lawler)
The Board President will declare a Public Hearing, pursuant to Government Code Section 3547(a), to hear public comments regarding the 2010-2013 Initial Proposal from CSEA to the District.
6:37 (Action)
D. Public Hearing – Initial Proposal from the District to California School (Item 7)
Employees Association (CSEA) (Lima/Lawler)
The Board President will declare a Public Hearing, pursuant to Government Code Section 3547(a), to hear public comments regarding the Initial Proposal from the District to CSEA.
6:42 (Action)
E. Adoption of the District’s 2010-2013 Initial Proposal to CSEA (Lawler) (Item 8)
Request adoption of the District’s Initial Proposal for purposes of negotiations.
It is recommended the Board of Trustees adopt the District’s Initial Proposal to CSEA, as presented.
Motion by _____________________, Seconded by _____________________.
Roll call vote: Ayes ______ Noes ______ Abstention _______ Absent ____
6:43 (Action)
F. Public Hearing – Initial Proposal from the District to Turlock Classified (Item 9)
American Federation of Teachers (TC-AFT) (Lima/Lawler)
The Board President will declare a Public Hearing, pursuant to Government Code Section 3547(a), to hear public comments regarding the Initial Proposal from
the District to TC-AFT.
6:48 (Action)
G. Adoption of the District’s 2010-2013 Initial Proposal to TC-AFT (Lawler) (Item 10)
Request adoption of the District’s Initial Proposal for purposes of negotiations.
It is recommended the Board of Trustees adopt the District’s Initial Proposal to TC-AFT, as presented.
Motion by _____________________, Seconded by _____________________.
Roll call vote: Ayes ______ Noes ______ Abstention _______ Absent_____
6:49 (Action)
A. Joe Debely Stadium Renovation Project Lease/Leaseback (Felt) (Item 11)
It is recommended the Board of Trustees authorize Administration to enter into a
lease/leaseback agreement, site lease agreement and sublease agreement with
Roebbelen Contracting, Inc. for the Joe Debely Stadium Renovation Project with a
Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) of $3,016,000 (option “A”) or $3,299,600
(option “B”) and 135 calendar days.
Motion by ____________________, Seconded by _______________________.
7:00 (Inform)
B. Joe Debely Stadium Facility Rules and Use Agreement (Felt) (Item 12)
Administration will present information regarding the new Joe Debely Stadium
Facility Rules and Use Agreement that will be in place following the completion
of the Joe Debely Stadium Modernization Project.
Motion by ______________, Seconded by_______________ that the meeting be adjourned.

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